YMCA of Collier County is a proud partner of Give Where You Live Collier, our region’s awesome 24-hour online giving challenge. This exciting annual event is organized by the Collier Community Foundation and is set to launch in February. So, mark your calendars now, because we will need your help raise funds during this 24 hours of local giving!
Get ready to give! On February 15th, starting at 12:00 PM, visit givewhereyoulivecollier.org and donate to your favorite non-profit, the YMCA of Collier County! All giving will end at 12:00 PM on February 16, so make sure to get your gift in on time!
What is Give Where You Live Collier?
Give Where You Live Collier is Collier-wide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy for 40 selected nonprofit agencies in our community through online giving. These 40 nonprofit agencies focus on the areas of basic needs and education.
Donations are accepted online through www.givewhereyoulivecollier.org.
When is Give Where You Live Collier?
Get ready to give! On February 15th, starting at 12:00 PM, visit givewhereyoulivecollier.org and donate to your favorite non-profit, the YMCA of Collier County! All giving will end at 12:00 PM on February 16, so make sure to get your gift in on time!
How to give and support:
There are a few easy ways you can support the Y!
Donate online! Make a donation online at www.givewhereyoulivecollier.org
Donate with a check! Visit either YMCA of Collier County campus location and donate via check. All Checks need to be dated February 15th and made out to the Community Foundation of Collier County, MEMO: YMCA of Collier County. Check donations must be brought in by 2/16, 10:00 am.
Spread the word! Text a friend. Forward this email. Post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #GWYLCollier.
If you have any questions or would like more information, let us know. Please email us at development@ymcacollier.org.